Glancing at the Google news page yesterday I saw the following two headlines next to each other:
Britain greets President Bush with jeers in the Seattle Times
Bush Protestors Quiet So Far on
Someone's full of shit here, and I think I know who it is. The Fox News article starts off, "Fewer than 100 anti-war protesters were standing outside Buckingham Palace on Tuesday night as Bush and his entourage arrived." First of all, this is directly contradicted by numerous credible news sources. These other accounts generally estimated the number between a "few hundred" and "several hundred". Furthermore, the Fox article conveniently ignored the protests that occured in other parts of the city. Such as the protesters at the airport when Bush arrived. Or the 1400 who gathered at a Quaker Meeting house. Or the 500 protesters at the US embassy. Or the group who spelled out "Bush go home" by lying down. My roommate pointed out that Bush is quite possibly more disliked by the international community than any other President in US history. Doubtless Bush would excuse the global masses who disapprove of him as terrorists, freedom-haters, or hairy-palmed masturbators if he ever bothered to answer international reporters. But objections from most of the world's population haven't prevented Bush from continuing to cram his globalcop medicine down their throats. And pushing around foreign leaders and imposing his will on poor nations. While smiling widely and congratulating himself on bringing freedom and peace.
Though, I do have to disagree with the British protesters in one aspect. I don't want Bush to go home. In fact, would anyone care to join me in making a big sign that says "Bush stay there"?
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