Saturday, October 18, 2003

dancing, chatting

My phone is certainly not flooded with phone calls all the time. In fact, only a moderate number of people even know my number. However, for the past six weeks, without fail, I have been called while at swing lessons. Yes, I could turn off the phone, but I always forget or think what are the chances of someone calling exactly during the lesson yet again? In fact, it's often multiple people calling me for independent reasons. If I don't receive a call the entire rest of the day, I'll still get called while dancing. Which isn't too bad since my phone is always on vibrate. It's amusing to be honest. Anyway, just so that people know why I'm not answering I have swing lessons once a week. Either on Thursday, 7:30-9:30 or Sunday 4:00-6:00.

I went clubbing with Xandy on Thursday night to a place called Dark Bar. Nice little bar, good music. The night was sparsely attended, but still fun since Xandy knows one of the DJs whom we chatted with for a while.

Inspired by Terrence I joined friendster ( I'm not sure if my life is more complete yet, but if it's on the internet it must be a wholesome and profitable endeavour, right? Is anyone else that I know on friendster?

I've officially given up msn messenging now. So, for those of you who used to chat with me via msn you'll need to find a different venue. As I mentioned before, try Gaim or Trillian and try signing up for an AIM or Jabber account. I'm noiseamplifier on AIM, and shadowlurker on Jabber.


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