answering machine
This message (940k) was left on our answering machine a few weeks ago. I thought it was pretty funny and I finally got around to recording it on my computer. The girl's number has been blocked out by a friendly tone. And, no, we didn't call her back.
Was it a local number? She sounds like she has some kind of accent.
Yes, it was a local number. Accent? She sounded like she could be from LA to me.
Listen again--she is clearly from the South.
Just because someone is black doesn't mean they are from the South. The commonly heard African American pronunciation has its origins in the South (and is much more exaggerated down there). But go to most public schools here in LA and you'll hear kids who sound exactly like this.
Also of the distinctive Southern dialect there is not a single element. Note that at the end when referring to an unknown number of strangers she says "you call me back too", instead of the Southern equivalent "y'all call me back", or perhaps "y'all should be callin' me back now". There was also a notable lack of "fixin", "yer", "done <verb>", and reflexive pronouns (I'ma fixin to take me a nap). In contrast, her simpler grammar fits better in a Northern or coastal city.
that's awesome.
Ryan, why did you assume that I thought the caller was black because she was from the South? I don't think the caller is black at all. Instead, she sounds like an nineteen year-old white girl who is in a sorority or calling her fraternity boyfriend or something.
Ya'll are so funny. I would also be quick to assume she sounds black, mostly because of her accent but she also sounds LA from her choice of words. Yet, nowadays kids from anywhere may sound like this due to the hiphop and rap culture. Anyway, since giggling can be heard in the background, I am sure it was just a crank call.
he sounds like an nineteen year-old white girl who is in a sorority or calling her fraternity boyfriend
Uh, not unless her boyfriend is named "Teesha" (or Keesha?). :) Seriously, the girl sounds like she's about 12. She also speaks like a 12 year old from LA and has a local LA number.
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