Thursday, August 18, 2005

about. damn. time.

(photo credit: AP/Oded Balilty)
If you don't understand, read this. EDIT: Never mind about the link. Yahoo removed the picture and description. It was of a little Palestinian girl peering through the barred window of a refugee camp facility. It explained how refugees at the camp found hope in the recent withdrawal. Hope that they might finally be able to return to the homes from which they were forced out at gun point many years ago.


At 7:36 AM, August 19, 2005, Blogger Kat said...

i don't think it's being handled appropriately, but i hope it eventually slows the killing.

At 11:19 AM, August 19, 2005, Blogger Ryan said...

What's inappropriate about it? These people have been warned by the government for YEARS that they would be evicted. They have been given chance after chance to get out. They have been bribed, begged, pleaded with to no end.

And now the military is using tremendous care in gently extracting them. It's amazing that the Israeli military has managed to remove thousands of radical, violent extremists without serious injury. These people have been shooting at Palestinian kids, burning everything around them, and throwing glass and other objects into crowds of soldiers. And they are still treated with kindness. The soldiers have been hugging them, offering support and even praying with them. I don't see how this could be done with more sensativity.

At 3:19 PM, August 19, 2005, Blogger Kat said...

you can't just tell people to leave so other people can live there. it's not right. we should have never championed the creation of the country of israel.

At 8:57 PM, August 19, 2005, Blogger Ryan said...

So, we shouldn't have told Saddam to leave Kuwait? Or we should have just let the Serbs continue to complete their occupation in Albanian areas of Kosovo? These "settlers" were a part of an invasion and occupation that killed or removed whole towns of people. The survivors have been living in temporary camps waiting to return to their homes for nearly 40 years. 40 fucking years of empty promises from Israel and the UN.

But, we "can't just tell" these extremists to leave? Bullshit. The land was taken by violence and held by violence. People's homes were stolen and it's about fucking time they were returned. There's nothing "inappropriate" about returning stolen goods. The settlers have known from the beginning that they were stealing. They've known from the beginning that their claims had no legitimacy in any court. Only bloodshed has kept them in business. They are without excuse.

At 10:14 AM, August 22, 2005, Blogger Ryan said...

Hopefully so. Though they have a much very difficult task with fewer resources than Israel and even more radical extremists. Keep your fingers crossed.


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