kat's new meme
Things I find incredibly sexy about the opposite sex. In no particular order.
- black boots
- intelligence
- tall and slender
- holds her own in a debate
- likes to rock climb
- nose or lip piercings
- short hair
- big eyes
- small lips
- small nose
- fishnet
- fearlessness
- hair dyed weird colors
- honesty
- toned legs and arms
- likes animals (bonus for owns a big dog)
- smooth skin
- adventurous
- knee-high boots (possibly military style)
- long straight hair in a pony tail
- good at math and science
- see-through sleeves
- likes industrial (bonus for dances well)
- a bare neck
- wears my clothes around the house
- politically aware
- citrus perfumes
- drives fast
- wears black
- enjoys the outdoors
- patient learner
- well travelled
- shampoo that leaves nice smelling hair
- strong vocabulary
- handy with power tools
- good grammar (yes, I'm weird)
- can argue philosophy
- combat boots
- knows how to solve a Rubik's cube
i like that some of them are contradictory...shows you are open to variety.
Thanks, and cool idea kat :)
heh. i couldn't help it. i was missing someone in particular and a lot of these are the things i miss about him. good thing he returns tomorrow.
wow, I'm mostly none of those...wierd! I never knew you liked citrus perfume...I know you were fond of vanilla :)
yeah, vanilla too. i should add that :)
Except for some of the physical traits, I think these are qualities you admire in anybody, male or female.
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